Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Pengakuan gue!!!! DAHSYAT

ini adalah teks yang gue bikin di minggu ke 4 bulan Januari 2011.

hanya 2 orang yang tau tujuan dari teks ini,

1. translate oleh gue sendiri
2. editor : om dan kakak sepupu tercinta

mungkin terkesan melankolis. . .ini isi hatiku selama 6 bulan terakhir


I always think my self all the time
I never proud you in front of my gang
Too hypocrite
I said that I didn’t really love you
I said that I’ll be ok eventhough without you
Too hypocrite

And when one week ago we were losing contact
I was irate, I was jealous, I was anxious, I was panicky
I was afraid something had happened with you
I admit that I was afraid to lose you
Nevertheless, I never told to you
I’m a hypocrite

A hypocrite person

I always tell my gang that they are more precious than you
I always mocking my gang who cries for their boys
Too hypocrite
I promised to my gang that I never cry like a river because of you
While my heart asked whether I would cry like a river because of you one day
Surely I always answered. NO WAY and NEVER
Too hypocrite

If i felt lonely
I would spell your name
If I overslept
I would dream your face
If I ate my lunch
I would wish you were there
And those have proved that I always wait your coming
*Always try to say I miss you, you are the best boy in my life,
Don’t ever stop loving me, don’t ever leave me
Because I really really love you so much*
But, my lip was locked
I’m a hypocrite

I admit that I was afraid to lose you
Because I really really love you so much

namun, ini tak bisa dilanjutkan...

minggu ke 3 bulan februari semua selesai dengan pengantar lagu barriers 'DAVID ARCHULETA'

lirik yang paling dalam yang sangat menusuk adalah

Well there’s a time for giving up,

Didn’t wanna have to say it,

All we’re doing is building walls,

And now there’s too many barriers

delete lagu lucky 'JASON MRAZ' dan born to make u happy 'BRITNEY SPEARS'

and welcome to since u been gone 'Kelly Klarckson'!!!!!

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